The way forward is constantly evolving.
Our commitment to transparency and responsibility to all our stakeholders is very real. Anticipating legislative demands in terms of monitoring and governance, we have chosen to focus on the value of accountability.
We also believe that all environmental and social aspects, including governance aspects, are interconnected with economic and financial ones, and that a company's assessment metrics must take them into account.
This is why our way forward is set by the needs of all stakeholders.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
The Code of Ethics and Conduct is an integral part of Model 231 that the company has already adopted. It contains a series of business ethics standards that establish our rights and obligations in relation to stakeholders.
Our actions are based on the values and principles contained in the Code: legality, combating conflicts of interest, respecting people and preventing discrimination, fair competition, transparency, prioritising the health and safety of workers, protecting personal data, and protecting the environment.
The company’s governance system involves corporate management being entrusted to the Sole Director. The Board of Auditors has control functions, while the Supervisory Board checks that the Organisation, Management and Control Model is applied and observed in the correct manner. The statutory audit is entrusted to Audirevi S.p.A..
Sole Director
The Sole Director is vested with ordinary and extraordinary powers to achieve the corporate purpose. He may carry out any actions he deems appropriate, excluding those which the law reserves for the Shareholders' Meeting.
The Board of Statutory Auditors
The Board of Statutory Auditors carries out the supervisory activities provided for by current legislation for the aspects under its competence. It monitors compliance with the law and the Articles of Association, compliance with the principles of proper administration, and the adequacy of the organisational structure of the internal control system and the administrative and accounting system. Finally, it checks that operating events are represented correctly and that corporate governance rules are implemented.
Supervisory Board
A Supervisory Board was appointed in 2021, whose role is to ensure the correct operation and updating of Model 231, the organisation, management and control model that Lariotex has adopted in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 231/2001.
Lariotex’s governance model, reinforced by the adoption of Model 231, includes checking for potential conflicts of interest of management, and checks to ensure appropriate standards of conduct in operations with any related parties, and on the pursuit of shared values set out in the Code of Ethics.